Storage silos for mineral and chemical products
They are designed for long term or periodical storing of powder materials. Silos can be loaded pneumatically or mechanically. Unloadning can be made directly into trucks.

Mixing tower for dry, mineral materials
Designed for producing dry mortar by mixing certain bulk materials and dosing additives.
Silo installation for storing quick ashes
Placed near electricity plants and municipal engine-rooms. Meant for short-term storage of ashes from burning coal, brickets, etc.

Technological constructions
We design, produce and install customized steel manufacturing halls and technological buildings complete with platforms, barriers, stairs and a complete case made of trapezium tin.
Silo station for fodder components
Set of silos and feeders for storing, mixing and distributing nutritive fodder components for animals. We offer complete construction with assembly of silos and technological equipment.